Tokugawa period, also called Edo period (1603–1867) is the final period of traditional Japan, a time of internal peace, political stability, and economic growth.
THE EDO PERIOD COLLECTION: ISSUE 4 – Kitagawa Utamaro’s Paintings
Studying old masters is a long-used method for learning and building your artistic skills and they’re a great source of inspiration. In that manner, I decided it might be helpful to take famous paintings and focus on their use of color and see how masters put together cohesive and expressive palettes so you can implement similar strategies into your brand’s color palette.
Just as these masters used color to add depth to their visual stories, so can you in choosing your brand colors.
Included in this set:
- 480 Procreate Color Swatches
- 11 Procreate Brushes (.brush & .brushset)
- Two Customizable Procreate Files containing ten paper textures inspired by the original Ōkubi-e Textures Utamaro used. Blending one paper texture to another you can finally create the perfect paper texture - the one of your desire. (10\'\' x 14\'\') a) in 100 DPI (for older iPads) and b) in 500 DPI (for new iPads)
- 14 Pre-Made Paper Textures (PNG files)
- Spotify Playlist Link - Experience the effect of classical music on painting quality
Zipped File Size: 3.27 GB
Software Compatibility: Procreate .
Kitagawa Utamaro Procreate Kit
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