The Benefits of Using Mockups

As designers and artists, we pour our time and our efforts into our work. The money that we make is a direct result of that time and effort. That’s why it’s important that we utilize every tool that we can to save time and improve our workflow while showing our work off to its full potential. If mockups aren’t in your toolkit yet, let’s look at all the reasons why they should be!

So, what are mockups? They’re editable smart objects (usually in Photoshop) that allow you to easily insert your designs into a scene. They are a great prototyping tool that allow you to see what your design would look like in application.

Mockups are invaluable when working with clients because they allow your client to see your design in its final application. As designers, we visualize how our designs will look in application, but our clients may not have that ability. If you take a moment to put your designs into context, you’re showing your client what they’re paying for and allowing them to see your vision for the design. This ensures that you and your client are on the same page, and that there are no surprises at the end of the process for either of you!

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“Mockups close the imagination gap. If you’re tired of clients not 'getting’ the logo, or questioning your decisions, it’s because they can’t envision the logo living in the real world. Enter mockups! It allows you to express you work in a real world context, and it increases perceived value.” – Chris Do

Increasing the perceived value of your work–whether for your personal brand or your agency's–is imperative because it allows you to charge more for your services. Rather than coming to a client with logo designs on a piece of paper, put a professional foot forward and go the extra mile.

Now that we’ve covered how mockups can help you with clients, let’s take a look at why mockups are a useful resource for you in your design process. Mockups allow you to quickly try a new brand in all of the final applications without paying the expense of taking everything to print or spending the time creating digital media. You can see if the design is successful in application and revise what’s not working before going into final production. This saves you time and money! Mockups also allow you to push the bounds of your creativity and explore applications that you hadn’t considered before with zero expense or risk.

So let's review all of the benefits that we've covered:

Try mock-ups now to:

      • Close imagination gap with clients
      • Place the maximum value on your work and
        the best perception of you as a designer / brand
      • Strengthen communication with clients
      • Save time and money
      • Avoid pitfalls and headaches in your process
      • Push the bounds of your creativity

We’ve put together some of our best mock-ups for you try. If you buy all five, you'll get them for 50% off! We can't wait to see what you do with them!

Will Peterson

"Mockups close the imagination gap. If you’re tired of clients not 'getting’ the logo, or questioning your decisions, it’s because they can’t envision the logo living in the real world. Enter mockups! It allows you to express you work in a real world context, and it increases perceived value."

Chris Do

branding mockup

Branding Mockup Essentials

Here is some text next to the image ... yay!